Miss Hanson
Miss Hanson has over 10 years experience working in schools, teaching Y3 to Y6 in that time. She is currently a Y6 class teacher and is on the Senior Leadership Team as Upper Key Stage 2 Lead and English Lead. She is also a KS2 writing moderator. When not teaching, Miss Hanson loves to read, go to the theatre and travel to new places!
“I always feel good after Miss Hanson’s lessons because she is a really kind teacher. If I ever need help I can just ask her and she always explains it clearly to me.” (Ralph, Aged 10)
English Group 1: Miss Hanson
Book this online tutoring group
English Group 1: Miss Hanson
£56.25 inc. VAT
1 Remaining
Group details
Block 6 dates
Once this block of dates has been completed you will be given priority access to book the same sessions, time and tutor.
Week 1
10th & 12th Mar
Week 2
17th & 12th Mar
Week 3
24th & 12th Mar
Week 4
31st & 12th Mar
Group days | Monday |
Subjects | English |
Got any questions about this
tutoring group?
If you would like to chat to us about anything before booking simply message us