Our tutors - Top Dog Tutoring

Our tutors

Our fantastic team of tutors are all fully-qualified primary school teachers who currently work in UK schools. They each have extensive experience teaching in the classroom and online, along with a passion for supporting children in reaching their full potential.

Click on a tutor to find out more about them.

Miss Harris
Miss Harris
Miss Hanson
Miss Hanson
Miss Papa-Adams
Miss Papa-Adams
Mrs Pellett
Mrs Pellett
Miss Subramaniam
Miss Subramaniam
Mr Shepherd
Mr Shepherd
Mrs Evans
Mrs Evans
Mrs Brownlee
Mrs Brownlee
Mrs Lunnun
Mrs Lunnun
Miss Reynolds
Miss Reynolds
Mrs Hewitt
Mrs Hewitt
Mrs Fogarty-Slack
Mrs Fogarty-Slack
Mrs Chinery
Mrs Chinery
Mrs Smith
Mrs Smith
Mr Stevens & Mr Price
Mr Stevens & Mr Price
Mr Davies
Mr Davies
Mrs McLeod
Mrs McLeod

Interested in joining our team of tutors?

If you are an experienced teacher interested in joining our team of amazing tutors, please get in contact with us and we would love to talk to you about any tutoring vacancies we may have.

Our online tutoring sessions

Our online tutoring sessions

Experience our incredible team in action! We utilise Zoom to deliver twice-weekly lessons to children in Year 5. Our expert tutors use screen sharing to deliver quality lessons focused on the Kent Test that engage and inspire pupils, all from the comfort of your own home.