Preparation Resources

Preparation Resources

Lesson videos

Lesson videos

Enjoy access to bite-sized, pre-recorded lessons that you can fit around your schedule. Across the year, benefit from over 100 hours of premium lesson video content that both prepares your child for secondary school and covers key English and maths SATs objectives.

Tasks & walkthroughs

Tasks & walkthroughs

Consolidate your learning by completing homework tasks that are set for each lesson. Every task comes with an answer sheet as well as a walkthrough video, showing you exactly how to solve each question. Instant feedback whenever you want it!

What our students and parents say

“Personally we found the flexibility of the preparation resources perfect for us. My son is a busy boy and has many clubs in the week. Sometime we would save up 1 or 2 weeks and do them back to back at the weekend. This course was so good for us and just what we needed. Professional videos and worksheets. Highly recommend.”

Sethumi (Parent)